Sunday, November 29, 2015

Brownie Cookies

Reganne helped me make Brownie Cookies and a little bit of a mess before the walking dead. Today was just a dreary rainy day so baking sounded good!!

These cookies are The Pioneer Eomans recipes and they are really good!!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

IBS/Bowel Obstruction Surgery

As far back as I can remember I was always suffering with IBS except I was like one day constipation and then I may be like running to the bathroom with uncontrollable bowel movements.  Never predictable no matter what my diet was.  My mom was a health nut and I always ate healthy and still did not go normal.  After she passed my diet changed but it did nothing for my IBS but I still fought it.  Going into adulthood I would only go #2 once a week maybe once every other week.  I tried everything even the laxative meds never made me go normal!!

2008 I was pregnant with our third daughter and one day I woke up with these pains they were so horrible it felt like someone was twisting my insides. They were like clockwork almost like labor pains every 5 minutes my stomach was spasiming.  I was vomiting, really not going to the bathroom much so I thought I must be really compacted so I tried different safe remedies and all I could take for pain was Tylenol. Well during my pregnancy I had two episodes and figured I had ate a trigger food that brought on my stomach pains. So I stayed away from these foods and everything went back to the norm.

2012 I had another episode but it was ongoing so my doctor had my gallbladder tested and sure enough it had died a long time ago!!  I met the surgeon on a Wednesday and was scheduled for surgery the next morning!  After that life was back to normal.  Still fighting IBS but that was normal just no episodes.  I had a couple times where I had some pains but nothing like before. In April of 2014 I ran across SHAKEOLOGY and my life was changed!  Yes I am a coach and you can purchase this thru me but I am merely telling my story.  Once I committed to drinking it daily I was NORMAL after a few months.  I was going #2 EVERY DAY once or twice a day. I was so excited I never had this happen no matter what I did. I felt so much better.  Shakeology if you are not familiar with it is made up of Vitamins, Minerals, and TONS of super foods.  So apparently I was lacking a lot of that.  I lost 51 pounds at one point and in less than two weeks gained 28 pounds back.  I was heartbroken and no one could give me answers.  I was still eating right and exercising and even if I had stopped there was no reason to gain that much weight in that amount of time!  My weight just kept going up but I was going to the bathroom normal so that was a plus.  fast forward to October 28th 2015 I had a headache and didn't feel 100% but went on to work.  That night I went to bed with my stomach not feeling right.  The next morning about 2 am I was woke up to those horrible spasm pains again,  I walked the floor and tried to go to the bathroom all night.  By 7 am I was headed to our Urgent Care.  The doctor knew I was in pain and she personally walked me to ER.  I never in my wildest dreams imagined I would be transferred by ambulance to a bigger hospital for possible surgery.  I was at our local ER from 7:30 till that evening.  During that time I had a NG tube inserted and if you have never had that done let me tell you what IT IS HORRIBLE!!!!!  I drank contrast which then I went for a CT scan and once I arrived back to my ER room I threw it all up projectile!!!  By then my doctor came in and told me I had a bowel obstruction and that he wanted me moved to a hospital that could perform surgery should I need it.  Apparently sometimes if you have the NG tube it can pump enough and give enough suction that it unclogs the obstruction but not in my case.  I was so scared and in so much pain. I arrived at the new hospital and was a direct admit and they kept the tube and was watching me to see if it would help.  I did that till Halloween night.  I was so sad that I was missing my babies Halloween I never miss these moments but I had to.  By then my pains were getting worse the pain meds were not helping much.  They gave me more contrast and I went down for a scan by the time I got back to my room I was projectile vomiting all the contrast!  My surgeon was then in my room telling me that I was going in for exploratory surgery.  They honestly did not know what was causing it or if I was going to get a portion of my small intestines removed or what?  By this time my family had headed home to take the kids trick or treating and to get some rest the surgeon came in after they had left.  I was panicked I thought I was going to go thru this alone.  My hubby was working that day so he had no idea till I called.  By the time I was prepped for surgery my father in law was headed back up to be with me and my mother in law was already taking my kids to our spookfest.  My husbands work sent him home to be with me.  When I came out of surgery I guess it was close to 10 or so and my surgery had taken about an hour. When they wheeled me out of recovery to go to my new room there was my hubby and father in law. I think I cried I can't remember I was still out of it some but so relieved to see him.  The surgeon came in to talk to me the next day and apparently when I was in my moms womb my intestines had a blood vessel that wrapped around my small intestines and was causing a blockage.  So basically I was born with this defect and it had been a problem all my life.  What I thought was IBS was really something completely different.  The surgeon removed the vessel and I am home now recovering.  I finally ate some regular food last night.  Since the surgery I have eaten malt a meal, chicken noodle soup, and ensure shakes.  My bowels are not on schedule yet but in time they will be.  I am hoping this is my answer to always being so tired and bloated and my weight issue.  I still ask my hubby about stuff because I don't remember everything and I was so in and out of it.  I go this week to get my staples removed. I have never had actual surgery my gallbladder was laparoscopic so this is all new to me.  I am slow moving but I do get up and walk around and do small things.  I tire easily and my incision is sore.  If I sit too long I get bloated so exercise is a must.  I was so emotional when I left the hospital I had been there for awhile and I was leaving my safe zone!  not that I wasn't ready to go home but being right there where my doctor was and the nurses in case something went wrong made me feel safe.  This goes to show that we know our bodies better than anyone if you feel like something is wrong listen to that gut feeling.  Right now my goal for each day is to have bowel movement and hope that everything works good or my next step is to have some intestine removed if there was damage from the vessel.  I think that is what scares me.  I will keep you posted on my recovery and I look forward to getting back to exercising.  I am going to follow the 21 Day Fix meal plan as I introduce foods into my diet.  They told me to stay away from fried greasy foods, watch my seeds and fruit intake some foods can cause me issues.  This has been a journey that I will never forget and will be on the rest of my life I am sure.  I am just thankful that I am here and healthy not all bowel obstructions work out like mine has so far and I am truly blessed to be in the place I am right now......
my little trick or treater Reganne as Maleficent the other two think they are too old to trick or treat
my kids were scare and worried thru all of this but with family and school friends and teachers they had a lot of support. My hubby was our rock and he did everything. Making sure the kids got to school, made sure his mom and dad knew the kids schedules on days he had to work and he made time to bring the kids up to see me and spend time with them, he took on all the house chores and never complained. He is my rock and my best friend and I don't know what I would do without him and our babies.  Our lives are chaotic at times, we are not perfect but we are a family who loves each other with all our hearts.  I love my family :)  Now to get my next accountability group together and my next coaching opportunity group together and keep busy.  That is one of many perks of being a beachbody coach you can work anywhere and whenever you want because you are your boss and it helped me keep busy at the hospital!!  I hope you all have a great Sunday and don't forget WALKING DEAD comes on tonight!!!!!