Wednesday, December 9, 2015

21 Day Fix Journey

Day 1 of 21 Day Fix was definitely a workout!!!!  I was sore right after!  I wanted to give up several times but I didn't.  It has been almost 6 weeks since I have worked out and I can tell.  Day 2 was upper fix thank goodness because it hurt to sit on the toilet all day there is no way that I could have worked my legs if I wanted to walking was torture!!  Good burn though I would rather be sore than not feel anything at all.  Monday was pretty good on my food but Tuesday was such a chaotic day and I am a stress/emotional eater and caught myself eating more than I should have and making bad choices.  Trying to eat healthy is not an easy task especially when you are alone in the situation.  I have picky kids to feed and I seriously can not afford to cook two different meals for dinner or have the time to.  I just portion out what I eat for supper. Breakfast and Lunch I can control what I eat because I am normally feeding myself.  I am determined to lose some weight on this round of 21DF. Now that I have my surgery over with and my body can absorb the food and nutrients that I am eating where as before it really wasn't.  I know I will be bloated for a little while just because when you have surgery and exploratory surgery at that things get irritated and swell. I am starting Masters Hammer and Chisel on January 4th I would love to have you join me.  For every Challenge pack we sell Beachbody donates to Upward Bound House which puts homeless families in homes for a year and helps them find jobs!!!  So buying a challenge pack will help others and help you!!!

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