Sunday, January 1, 2017

Weekly Meal Plan

As the Christmas break comes to an end ( I am truly sad I am not ready to get back into the kids heading back to school and all the busy schedules) I am working on My weekly meal plan. This school year is half way over already.  Where does time go? I am sure I am not the only one who ask this lol!

Sunday: Spicy Chicken legs with Rice
Monday: Hawaiian roll sandwiches with chips 
Tuesday: Pork Steaks with baked potatoes
Wednesday: Sour Cream Noodle Bake
Thursday: Chili/hot dogs (Reganne refuses to eat chili)
Friday: leftover/pizza day

Cereal, Healthy Shakes, Monkey Bread, Breakfast Burritos

Lunches for me
Leftovers, Spinach salad, Shakes, Mexican Chicken dish

Breakfast for me
Super Healthy Shakes, Oatmeal, eggs & fruit

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