Monday, September 26, 2016

Fallish morning

My view from my office window!  I see three things! 1. Reganne and Sophie's Halloween stickers are they not arrange perfectly or what lol. 2. It is an actual fall morning today :) love and 3. My dogs have been busy thru the night look at the stinking wet trash I get to pick up.......dang dogs.  I love fall it is my favorite season I just wish it wasn't followed by winter :(.  The kids are off today so they are all sleeping in and it is so quiet here.  I am so thankful I do not have to rush them off to daycare.  We can stay home and enjoy this awesome day and pick the trash up lol.  Got my workout in this morning I had to modify some because silly me stepped wrong and my left ankle is killing me!

  I would rather modify and take it easy than to really hurt myself and prolong the agony!!  Been there done that when I use to go to the gym I had no clue what I was doing so i just went full force well I was over doing it on the treadmill and tore a muscle on the top of my foot but silly me kept going and it then took  a month or two off of my foot to get better!  That was hard to do.  I spent more time in the gym not knowing what i was doing and not getting a ton of results like I felt I should have.  I did start seeing results when I started starving myself.  Yep lost 51 pounds to eating 1200 or less calories a day and not getting the right nutrition!!  My IBS was worse during this time.  Started eating again and gained 30 pounds back in no time!!  That is not how you do it folks!  Yes you can lose weight, yes you can malnutrition yourself, BUT it is temporary!! 

It wasn't till I found my Coach and Beachbody that I really started seeing that you do have to eat in order to lose weight!  But you also have to eat healthier as well.  That is not saying that you can never have sweets, carbs, or go to BBQ's ever again!  Now how boring would that be!  You just don't do that everyday and you learn about moderation!  Whatever challenge pack you pick you get the whole solution in a box!  All you have to do is implement what the guide books tell you, drink your shake, use the containers, and workout!!  Sounds easy but let me tell you what It Is NOT!!  There will be days that you do great, there will be days where every decision you made for food was horrible, there will be days that your coworkers bring treats and say oh just one won't hurt! The struggle is real and it will always be there but as you go along making good habits you will be able to be stronger and turn those temptations down!!

It's not about will power!  Will power is like a muscle it eventually gets tired too.  It is about your WHY power!  Why do you want to make this change?  Your why has to be strong and you have to be in it for the long haul.  Some are not ready and some are. I always tell my challengers to baby step it.  What does that mean well It means to make one simple change each week and add to it.  That way its not like all at once and you don't go into shock, panic, and quit!!  

You did not get to the point that you are at over night so you can not expect to get to the point you want to be over night either!!  That is why the challenge groups are so awesome!  We motivate each other to get that workout in and share what we are eating and cheer each other on!!  People do so much better with their weight loss journey when they have support!  My groups I have going right now the ladies are killing it!!  I mean killing it!  They show up daily!  They are truly an inspiration!  

I struggle with nutrition daily!  I meal plan for the week because If I didn't I would struggle with what to make and hit the drive thru.  Three busy kids and a busy husband so meal planning is a must.  I figure out what we are having that week and I try to squeeze a few healthier meals in that my kids will eat, see what all I need to get at the store, go grocery shopping, bring it home and prep what needs prepped and I am good to go!  Now dinners are organized but my breakfast and lunches fall short.  I am going to fix that!  I often find myself working away and skipping meals then I am starving and grab something quick if I eat.  Then by the time dinner rolls around guess what my sugar has crashed and i am starving!!  I have to fix this that is why I am not seeing the results I should be seeing!!  I obviously need to prep more for myself so that all I have to do is grab the container and go!  I find myself saying oh why cook for one but seriously I need to stop that!!!!!  I have told myself that today I will do good!  My food will be good and my workout is done!  although I workout just like my program tells me to but when your food is not the best well then you will not see results!

That is the ugly truth of it!  I will admit it is my hardest part!!  That just goes to show the 80/20 rule is true!!  80% is nutrition and only 20% is fitness!!  when you lack in the biggest factor for losing weight then will not see results!!  I get pissed at myself for doing all the hard work I should be crushing my goals by now.  Well enough is enough I will reach my next goal! 10 Pounds in the next four weeks!  Breaking your big goal into smaller goals is so less intimidating!!! There I said it I have sucked at nutrition but not no more!! This girl is going to reach her goal!  I have another group starting October 3rd for those who are wanting to commit.  If you have not taken advantage of the 30 day free player then now is the time!  You get access to so many of our programs and the nutrition info! What a great way to get started on your weight loss journey!  Join me and lets kick 10 pounds away in the month of October!!!   

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