Thursday, September 22, 2016

What a week!! It's not even over yet!!!

Where do I start this week has been crazy!!  Josie is practicing driving so I let her drive after dance class she pulls up to the crosswalk at the dollar store and stops because someone was walking the crosswalk well a mustang comes up behind her and just passes us!!  The lady who was in the crosswalk just made it across and was like in shock as we were as well!!  Then a mini van that was right behind the mustang starts to pass us as well before she even gets to start going again.

Josie starts to drive and this mini van is driving on the other side of the road next to us with a car coming the opposite way!!!  finally they pull over and we get to the little stop sign at the store we was going to and I was like oh there is a spot next to the cart holder pull in there well the care that pulled forward out of that parking lot decided to circle the cart holder and almost hits us as we are pulling in!!  I am like is it a full moon or what!!!  I was second guessing letting her drive back home geez!!

Tuesday we decided to start walking after dinner and got a whole mile in ok Reganne pooped out and watched the marching band practice while Josie, Bailee, and I ran/walked.  Wednesday wasn't too bad Now Today it started with my workout then I made breakfast as I am standing at the stove cooking my cat comes at me with a mouse in his hand and run screaming while he is running behind me!!!  He loses it and now is currently looking for that dang mouse again!!  We get ready to to leave and Reganne grabs her water bottle and I had knocked it off the table last night by accident after Our walk and did not realize it cracked it.  She fills it up and throws it in her book bag.  We make it to the car (we are running late by the way as usual) and as she gets in the car realize her book bag is leaking!! She unzips the book bag and it is filled with water!! her stuff is swimming along with her folder, book, scholastic book fair money Luckily we got that out before it was too late.  She now needs a new folder.  By this time she is crying, I am stressed and we are really late!!!  I hate when we start out days off on the wrong foot especially for my girls they are too young to know that it will get better and to just shrug it off because they are emotional and wear their heart on their sleeves.

I know they get that from me and I work on it to not be so emotional but it never works!  Growing up the way I did I guess it made me more emotional than most idk!! So back on point she went to school upset, no bookbag but I did call school and she already went shopping and spent all her money! oh wait my money lol!!  The day is not over yet we have after school activities, dinner, homework, walking, and showers so we shall see what the day brings!!

There is never a dull moment in our home but you know what I wouldn't trade it for anything.  I always think we need a bigger house, newer vehicles, lots of clothes and so on but We are so blessed to have what we have.  Those material things will mean nothing in the end!  I shared a room all my life with siblings and we lived in a smaller house for a long time than the one I live in now when I was growing up and we were just fine.  Did it ruin my childhood NO!  I think society pushes us to think we need all that and what do you get for it you are stressed trying to keep up with the jones!! lol  I am emotional still from this morning can't you tell lol until the next crazy wild Worthen post have a great day and week!!!

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