Sunday, January 1, 2017

Yogurt Pancakes (Pioneer Woman recipe)

These are hands down the best pancakes!!!  I saw Ree make these on her show one time and decided to try them out!

Servings: 4

2 Whole Large Eggs
1/2 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
7 tablespoons All-purpose flour
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon Baking Soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup Greek Yogurt ( you can use vanilla or any flavor you want)

I added a little skim milk to give it a thinner texture it was a little thick for me but I just heated my griddle put a little butter on and I would spray as well.  Drop the batter by 1/4 cup portions onto griddle and cook till you see bubbles and flip just like you would with pancakes.

serve with butter and syrup  I doubled my batch because I was feeding teens!! 

Weekly Meal Plan

As the Christmas break comes to an end ( I am truly sad I am not ready to get back into the kids heading back to school and all the busy schedules) I am working on My weekly meal plan. This school year is half way over already.  Where does time go? I am sure I am not the only one who ask this lol!

Sunday: Spicy Chicken legs with Rice
Monday: Hawaiian roll sandwiches with chips 
Tuesday: Pork Steaks with baked potatoes
Wednesday: Sour Cream Noodle Bake
Thursday: Chili/hot dogs (Reganne refuses to eat chili)
Friday: leftover/pizza day

Cereal, Healthy Shakes, Monkey Bread, Breakfast Burritos

Lunches for me
Leftovers, Spinach salad, Shakes, Mexican Chicken dish

Breakfast for me
Super Healthy Shakes, Oatmeal, eggs & fruit

Monday, December 26, 2016

We Made It thru the Holidays!!!

Some kids are asleep and one is awake already on the Xbox. lol   As I sit here with a cup of coffee looking at my living room that looks like a tornado hit (no joke) and the tree will be coming down today considering it is almost down as it is.  So I know what I will be doing today blah I should of asked for a cleaning fairy for the week! Yes I said week because I will have four kids here most the week and it does not matter their age they still leave destruction in their path!!  Those of you who think oh when my baby gets older my house will be clean and not cluttered well think again!! 

We had a great Christmas.  My uncle's house on Christmas Eve and our house, my in laws house, and my sisters house on Christmas!!  I am looking forward to my clean eating group this week lol!  I have ate way too much of everything. Feels like we just had Thanksgiving!  Why does that time fly by so fast even though we have what a month in between the two still seems like there is never enough time.  Being a procrastinator probably doesn't help!!! 

My kids are so excited to be off all this week and I think they are calling for snow the weekend before they go back!!  I remember one year they were off for Christmas break and then was off for what I think 2 weeks with snow and ice!!  By January I am done with winter and ready for spring!  The only snow I really want is a little on Christmas eve but that never happens! I am not a winter person.  I mean I think the snow is pretty and being snowed in for a day or two (as long as I have food for the kids, no wrecks, no ice) is nice now that I don't work and have to deal with it like I use to.  uuugh  Getting up early cleaning the car off waking the kids to get them out in this taking them to daycare and the drive there is no fun!!!!  I do not miss that at all! 

I am so excited for our 2nd Beachbody health Bet that starts Jan 9th!!  It was nice getting paid to workout and drink my shake!  Hello so easy!!!   I am starting a group for this and we will have so much fun!!!

Kids are waking up one by one now so I guess I better get some cooking done I am sure they are wanting breakfast lol

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Pan Roasted Chicken Thighs (Pioneer Woman)

Pan-Roasted Chicken Thighs

Prep Time:
5 Minutes
Cook Time:
40 Minutes
6 Servings
  • 6 whole Bone-In, Skin-On Chicken Thighs
  • Salt And Pepper, to taste
  • 1 cup All-purpose Flour
  • 6 Tablespoons Olive Oil (more, If Needed)
  • 1 whole Medium Onion, Finely Diced
  • 5 cloves Garlic, Minced
  • 1/2 cup White Wine
  • 1 cup Chicken Broth
  • 1 whole Large Lemon, Zested
  • Cooked Rice, For Serving
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Heat the olive oil in an ovenproof skillet over medium heat.

Sprinkle the chicken thighs with salt and pepper, then dredge both sides in flour. Add them, skin side down, to the pan and cook them, shaking and moving them around the pan, until the skin is golden, about 3 to 4 minutes. Turn them to the other side and cook for another couple of minutes, then remove them to a plate. If there is excess grease, pour off all but about 1/4 cup.

Add the onions and garlic to the pan and stir to cook, about 3 minutes. Pour in the wine, then stir and let it reduce for 1 to 2 minutes. Add the broth, along with half the lemon zest. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze in the juice. Sprinkle in a little salt and pepper, and let it cook for 1 to 2 minutes, stirring continually.

Nestle the chicken thighs back into the pan, skin side up. (They should not be submerged; the liquid should come up about halfway up the sides of the chicken.) Place the lid on the skillet (if you're using an iron skillet without a lid, you can invert a second skillet on top) and place it in the oven. Let it cook in the oven for 15 minutes. Remove the lid, then spoon the sauce onto each chicken thigh. Continue cooking in the oven with the lid off for 15 minutes, making sure it doesn't get too brown.

Stir the rest of the lemon zest with a little salt into the cooked rice. Serve the chicken with the rice, spooning sauce over the top.

Pioneer Woman has some amazing recipes!  I get a lot of my recipes from her.  check her blog out!!!


Another simple meal that my kids LOVE!!  I cook enough for leftovers

For my crew and leftovers I use 4 pounds of beef

2 pounds of beef, ground turkey, or ground chicken
1/2 cup Taco Seasoning ( I like McCormick taco seasoning and I buy the big bulk container)

Brown your meat and then add your taco seasoning and water to the pan and I let it simmer for a good 20-30 minutes which by the way you can make this part up the day before or freeze it till you are ready!

Then add all your fixings my kids love lettuce, cheese, taco sauce, sour cream ( which I like using greek yogurt when I have it), tomatoes for me.  Use whatever kind of shells you want to.

Super easy meal and for the leftovers you can make a fiesta bowl if you want to take it to work.  Throw in some rice, corn, black beans or whatever you want and you have a yummy lunch!!!

Chicken Wings

This is so simple!  I buy the big bag of wings in the freezer section at Walmart the instructions on how to cook them is on the back.  Add your sauce to them and cook accordingly.  Done in an hour add a side dish and you are set!!

I told you I like simple and yet yummy and family approved meals!!  I make two bags with my crew

Your welcome for an easy meal!!! lol You can also cook them in the crockpot as well


I am always spicing up my meatloaf recipe trying different ingredients out.

This week I made it like this which is normal

2 pounds of ground beef
ketchup ( I tend to not measure most stuff out I just throw in what I think lol) maybe 1/4 cup
Bread crumbs
1 egg
salt, pepper, garlic

pat into patties and bake at 350 for 30 minutes

combine like 1/2 cup of ketchup with 1/4 cup brown sugar  you want to make a paste so add to make that consistency  take meatloaf out at 30 minutes and top each patty with this sauce then put back into the oven for another 30 minutes

I add lipton onion soup mix when I have it and if I am out of bread crumbs I will use oats instead
I also like to add green pepper and carrots ( finely chopped so no one notices) to my meat mixture makes it so tasty and healthier.  You can also use ground turkey for all of it or half it.  2 pounds feeds my family of 5 so adjust accordingly

Enjoy and make it your own  there is so many different versions you can make my hubby likes to put mozzarella cheese in his.

let me know what you think if you make it!!!