Sunday, August 28, 2016

Life in the Worthen House

It has been a crazy summer but a fun one!!  We were so excited that school was out and we enjoyed the first couple of weeks of sleeping in and really not having much of a schedule!!  Then Upward Bound started for Josie and it was weeks full of getting her to school by 7!  Bailee and Reganne enjoyed sleeping in  and playing xbox!  We also had a fun filled summer of swimming!!  Josie and Mark finished Upward Bound with a trip to St Joseph, MO then their summer started!  We went to Nashville Tennessee for my Beachbody Coach Summit and then off to Disney World!!  We had so much fun!  We visited Star Wars at Hollywood Studios and Mickey and Minnie at Magic Kingdom!!  Reganne loved meeting the princesses!   I rode the Tower of Terror and oh my goodness it has been a a long time since I rode a amusement park ride.  I had forgot about the thrill and the panic that comes with it lol  All I could think was this is it I am flying out the window when it goes to the top before it drops because my seat belt was so loose and I just felt like I was flying out!! lol I suppose that is what is suppose to happen but boy had I forgotten what the lose your stomach feeling felt like!!!  I think I peed my pants at one part ha ha!!!  Would I ride it again?  yeah probably but I would probably sit further in the back we was in the front row!!!!  The picture they took was me looking at Bailee as she is telling me to hold on we are going down and I have a panic look and I am saying WHAT!! I totally should of bought the pic it was priceless lol

I will add more photos but we had a blast!! The kids already want to go back but I am thinking like during a cooler time period! It was so hot!

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